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      Chimney leaks are a common problem and often result in water damage in your home. The best way to avoid this is to have your chimney inspected by a professional every year. One of the most common causes of chimney leaks are failed mortar joints in the masonry. Corroded chimney caps can also cause leaks, as well as water running down from the roof into your attic because there isn’t enough clearance between the flashing and where it meets the house’s siding. Installing a rain collar under counter-flashing around your chimney is a good way to prevent water from traveling down into your attic space and causing damage there as well. If you notice moisture or signs of mold or mildew on walls inside your home, contact an experienced contractor right away so that they can address any issues before they become more serious problems!

1. Failed Mortar Joints in the Masonry

      The mortar is what holds the bricks together and gives your chimney its strength. It’s also what makes your chimney stand up straight. If there are cracks or gaps in this mortar, it can leak water through the brick and into your home, causing damage to walls and ceilings.

A failed mortar joint is most commonly caused by improper installation of new masonry materials (usually during a home remodeling project), or by age-related deterioration of old masonry materials due to repeated freeze-thaw cycles (especially if they have been painted).

2. Corroded Chimney Caps

      Chimney caps are protective covers for the top of your chimney. They keep out debris, rainwater and other debris from entering the chimney. They also prevent birds from nesting in your chimney. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that homeowners inspect their chimneys at least once per year for corrosion or damage, as well as check for loose or missing bricks or mortar that could cause a leak. If you have an older home, you should inspect it more frequently than a newer one because it’s likely been exposed to more wear and tear over time; however, even newer houses can benefit from annual inspections since they may have previous water damage issues that are hidden by new paint jobs or siding materials.

Chimney caps come in many different shapes and sizes but they all serve the same purpose: keeping out water infiltration while protecting against fire hazards such as sparks escaping into surrounding areas during use (which could start fires). A damaged cap may not allow enough room during installation which results in cracks forming near where screws go through; this causes rainwater infiltration which eventually leads to mold buildup inside walls around baseboards due to lack of ventilation being provided due increased humidity levels caused by dampness getting trapped under roofing shingles on top

Chimneys should be inspected by a professional every year

   While these can be fixed, it’s best to have your chimney professionally inspected before attempting repairs on your own.

Chimneys should be inspected by a professional every year. This inspection will check for cracks and other damage, as well as ensure there is no buildup of creosote that could cause a fire hazard. It’s also important to make sure that all smoke flues lead to the outside—if they don’t, you could risk carbon monoxide poisoning from your fireplace or wood stove.

Have problems repaired quickly to save time and money!

      If you suspect that your chimney is leaking, take it seriously. Water can travel from a leaking chimney down into your attic, so have problems repaired quickly. Water damage caused by a leaking chimney can be extensive, which is why it’s so important to have problems repaired right away. Leaking chimneys should be inspected by a professional every year for leaks or damage and get regular maintenance checkups.


Water is the enemy of your home’s structure and a leaky chimney can cause major damage. If you suspect you have a problem, contact an expert as soon as possible and get it fixed.

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